Survivors’ Pensions
The right of surviving dependants to a pension is derived from the entitlements the deceased would have had towards the pension insurance system. The deceased must have therefore acquired specific insurance periods depending on their age.
Widows’ and widowers’ pensions
Widows’ and widowers’ pensions are intended to guarantee the surviving wife or husband social protection. This means that the marriage must have been intact at time when the partner dies. Under certain circumstances (e.g. obligatory maintenance payments to an ex-wife or husband), divorced spouses can also be entitled.
All of the information given above for widows’ and widowers’ pensions also applies to registered partners.
If the minimum insurance record (waiting period) has not been fulfilled, and the deceased has acquired at least one contributory month, survivors are entitled to a one-off payment (settlement).
Orphans’ pensions
Orphans’ pensions are a benefit which provide surviving children with social protection after the death of an insured parent. Children who have lost one parent receive half an orphan’s pension, while those than those who have lost both parents receive a full orphan’s pension.
An application for an orphan’s pension has to be made to the insurance institution with which the deceased was predominantly insured during the last 15 years.