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Third country establishments (as of July 2018)

Lists of harmonised products

When imported, there are legal provisions for most types of consignments subject to veterinary checks (e.g. live animals and animal products, this includes foodstuffs but also semen and embryos) requiring that their import may only take place if they originate in approved third country establishments. Due to the harmonisation of the import conditions in European Union legislation these lists have been standardised and they are valid for the entire European Union. You can find the establishments either per type ("sector") or per country.

Harmonised lists of establishments (import)

This is the link to the homepage of the European Commission with the harmonised lists of approved establishments for the import of food, semen and embryos, and animal by-products in third countries.

Harmonisierte Betriebslisten (Einfuhr) / Harmonised lists of establishments (import)

Lists of non-harmonised products

There are few areas where the process of harmonisation has not yet progressed so far. There are uniform import conditions and certification requirements but no harmonised establishment lists have been laid down so far. In these areas the lists have to be laid down on a national basis. In these cases those conditions apply, that have been laid down by the Member state, in which the first place of destination is situated. 

Approval or registration has to confirmed by the official veterinarian issuing the certificate therein. Austria does not keep records on these lists.

Lists of establishments of destination

Upon import, some consignments may only be transported to approved establishments in the EU, e.g. unskinned game, ornamental birds or, in the area of animal by-products so called intermediate products. Lists of these establishments are being published on the homepages of the BMASGK or the European Commission. Below you will find links to this area and to the homepage of the European Commission.

Approved establishments of destination for animal by-products

Approved establishments for animal by-products in accordance with Reg. (EC) No. 1069/2009 and Reg. (EU) No. 142/2011 are also entitled to process import consignments. The type of activity, category and type of products that may be handled results form the type of authorisation. In addition, approved establishments for medicinal products may also be a place of destination for animal by-products.

Betriebslisten für lebende Tiere, tierische Nebenprodukte etc. in Österreich / Link to the list of establishments for live animals, animal by-products etc. in Austria

Liste der zugelassenen Arzneimittelbetriebe in Österreich / List of establishments approved for medicinal products in Austria

Link to the list of establishments for food of animal origin in Austria

Betriebslisten für Lebensmittel tierischen Ursprungs in Österreich / Link to the list of establishments for food of animal origin in Austria

Link to the list of quarantine stations for ornamental birds on the Commission's website

For the lists you have to select "List of EU Member States' approved establishments in the veterinary field", then the link of the individual Member state concerned before selecting the type of establishment.

Listen der Quarantänestationen für Ziervögel auf der Kommissionshomepage / Link to the list of quarantine stations for ornamental birds on the Commission's website

Link to the lists of customs warehouses etc. on the Commission's website

This is the link to the list of free zones, free warehouses and customs warehouses approved by the veterinary authorities for storage of products not complying with Union standards as foreseen by CDir 97/78/EC

Note: Presently there are no such establishments approved in Austria

Listen der Zolllager etc. auf der Kommissionshomepage / Link to the lists of customs warehouses etc. on the Commission's website


Deutsche Version

Last update: 15 October 2019